In Indiana there are only two methods to establish paternity. The mother and father can swear to an affidavit that confirms parentage, or either parent can file a paternity lawsuit. In the event that a paternity lawsuit is filed, regardless of which party you are, you should contact a family lawyer for help. Because the affidavit acknowledging paternity is permanent, you will need an attorney like me with the experience in paternity court.
In Evansville, as other cities in Indiana, paternity is most often established by DNA test. DNA testing is admissible as evidence in paternity hearings and the most accurate way to determine paternity. This is simple noninvasive test. After paternity is established, the father is responsible for paying child support, providing health insurance, paying for health care expenses and other school and college expenses. Paternity testing results in permanent consequences that affect the lives of everyone involved. It should not be taken lightly. Consult with a family law attorney like me before taking any actions regarding paternity.