Evansville Domestic Battery Attorneys
No matter what circumstances surround your domestic violence arrest, Ziemer Law, LLC will work with you to find out the best way to address your charges.
Domestic violence occurs when a person attempts to control another person by physically threatening, stalking, or assaulting them. People involved in domestic violence are usually in some type of family relationship, and can be married,
divorced, separated, living together, or dating. Domestic Violence charges can be very serious, so it is best to seek the legal assistance of an attorney who is capable of giving your case the attention it deserves. With the experience of spending over one year in a “
domestic violence” court room defending people charged with domestic violence charges, I am devoted to each and every client, and will put an extreme amount of energy into defending you against charges of domestic violence. As your devoted advocate, I will do everything I can to receive a satisfactory result of your domestic violence charges.
Prosecuting attorneys are known to be very tough on defendants charged with domestic violence and will do their best to make sure you are penalized for the crime. Domestic violence cases require lawyers who will stand up for their clients by finding effective ways to defend them against allegations. By having a skilled and aggressive attorney representing you, you will always have a serious advocate defending you against domestic violence allegations, and will greatly improve your chances of receiving a positive end to your charges.